Having nausea and vomiting during your pregnancy can be really irritating and exhausting. It interferes with your work and the proper intake of nutrition for you and your baby. But for 1st time moms, you needn’t worry about that because the morning sickness will be gone when you reach your fourth or fifth month.
What is the cause?
There is no known reason as to why mothers have to go through the morning sickness. But some experts do believe that it is because of the hormonal changes in our body or having blood sugar imbalances.
How to alleviate the problem?
Throughout my morning sickness period which happened almost two years ago, I have tried sour candies, ginger tea and Vitamin B6. I find that vitamin B6 is the best relief because my vomiting has lessened tremendously.
I have listed some of the remedies which might offer some help because some remedies may work for you but some may not work for others. So you just have to try all of them until you get the right one for you.
Some of the remedies I have not try them yet, but I will keep them for my reference just in case I want to have another baby . So, I wish you all the luck to all preggie mothers!
A beautiful quote for you:
“A mother's joy begins when new life is stirring inside... when a tiny heartbeat is heard for the very first time, and a playful kick reminds her that she is never alone.
-- Author Unknown”
Remedies to cure morning sickness:
1) Vitamin B6
Medical experts found that pregnant ladies taking 25 milligrams of B6 had significantly improves their condition for morning sickness. However, they recommended that the dosage shall not exceed 75 milligrams per day to avoid complications on your nervous system. You can pop one tablet and see how it goes. You can get it from the pharmacists or you can order online or through Amazon.
2) When it is time for you to wake up in the morning, slowly take your time to get up.
3) If you can, have small meals and keep it regular. Pregnant mommies tend to have slow digestion. So it is good to eat small meals and snack often. But I don’t mean unhealthy crap food. Keep junk food at a minimal if you could because they really don’t have nutritional value. There are other healthy snacks which you can take like nuts, seaweed, banana and whole grain crackers.
4) Don’t starve yourself because it will increase nausea and vomiting.
5) Avoid greasy or spicy food because it will aggravate your nausea. The smell of greasy food may also make you nauseous. Spicy food on the other may cause heartburn.
6) Get enough sleep.
7) Avoid smells that make you want to vomit.
8) Avoid fast action movement.
9) Go walk in the park to breathe in some fresh air and walking is a good exercise for you.
Some of the Amazon products which I find interesting in which may offer some help too:
a) Organic morning sickness lip balm

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b) Organic candies
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c) Ginger candies
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d) Acupressure wrist band

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If you like to read a book on how to cure your morning sickness you can click
Here :
Some of the things that you will get to learn from this book:
•How to naturally mimic certain "designer" morning sickness cures without using artificial chemicals.
•A technique to train yourself how to eliminate morning sickness in under 5 minutes.
•How to perform a virtually unknown variation of acupressure that cures even the most severe morning sickness symptoms.
•How to concentrate and supercharge the results of a traditional morning sickness treatment.
•How to normalize your digestive system by boosting its existing enzymes using natural processes.
•Why your prenatal vitamins might be making you sick, and what to do about it.
•A strategy for food choice and eating that will reveal critical morning sickness causes.
•What you must keep beside your bed at all times to prevent nausea from ruining your day.
•Why what you drink is just as important as what you don't drink preventing morning sickness.
•Why the true cause of your morning sickness goes far beyond hormonal changes (and what to do about it!).
•Why certain scents cause you to feel sick, and how to use this to your advantage.
•Simple easy exercises which lessen reflux, increase blood flow, and decrease nausea.
Tags: ways to cure morning sickness, nausea, vomit, pregnancy, how to lessen morning sickness