
Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The will that drives……

Once again I am on my quest for money making resources on the internet. Seems to me the best option now is writing for some bucks. I don’t know why I am screaming myself to get a job as fast as I can, so one thing led to another.

I found out that to write a good article or content I have to have the right keywords, SEO, social networks etc. My brain is bombarded with too much information that on Friday I suffered some sort of “brain damage”….my brain goes blank the whole day. Don’t know what to do. You know, it’s like for days you have been doing revision for an exam, and when the day finally comes your mind just go blank. This is one of the problems that I have, I am an anxious person.

I figured that I am too new to this internet business. There is so much to learn and absorb that finally I think to myself that I have to calm down and do everything step by step. Maybe it is greed that made me want to succeed at this instant. But I know if I go on like this I will end up not getting anywhere.

I remembered my father use to tell me stories about how people persevere and the will in their heart just drove them high to the world of success. So what is the definition of success? To me being successful is being recognized by myself and the people around me that I have sow the seeds and reap the fruits of my labor.

At this moment I will forget whatever resources I have read through, forget money, forget my stress. I will tell my brain just that. Sometimes the brain needs to be reminded to forget things that are stressful in order for us to breathe.

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