Merry Christmas Everyone! This is the day I love most. I love Christmas trees, christmas songs that sound like heaven and its a day when families unite. Such great joy! May you all be blessed....
So which one are you? A person who eats for health or the one who eats because they taste so good? I am more towards eating for health. So I am really not that picky when it comes to food as long as it is healthy. But don't get me wrong, I love the unhealthy delicious food, but I take them with caution especially fried foods. Sometimes delicious food although not too healthy but it can boost up your mood level.
Unhealthy delicious food are easiest to find but healthy delicious food takes up a bit of challenge. Well shall I conclude that delicious food are always not healthy and vice versa?
I have been feeling a bit sluggish and tired lately. I suspect that either I haven't got enough sleep or my body is lacking enzymes. We can easily get enzymes from raw food and the food that I can think of is salad. We need enzymes to have a good digestive system. When we have a good digestive system, our body is able to absorb nutrients and get rid of toxins at the same time. Having cooked food all the time is not good too because when we cook our food it will destroy a lot of enzymes. That is why I always keep them in mind in order to motive me to eat more veggies.
Oh I can tell you that after eating those crunchy leaves and my favourite cherry tomatoes I feel refreshing and my body is supercharged. Hooray to salade!
Tags: eating salad, raw food, enzymes, we need enzymes, feeling refreshed
Last Staurday night, Marc's two ankles were bitten by mosquito. I thought the little bumps will recover by itself after applying Mopiko (an off counter ointment to soothe mosquito bite). But it doesn't and Little Marc keep on scratching them until they got swollen.
Poor baby....almost the whole of his right foot is red, swollen and it feels hot in them. You know baby's skin are very sensitive but I didn't expect a mosquito bite could be this worst. I tried everything from Mopiko to Cherurub soothing gel but they don't seem to work. So, lastly I got an idea of slathering Manuka Honey UNF 15 which I have blogged previously. I never try treating a swollen skin with Manuka Honey before but I have done some research that they actually help. They are a bit sticky but at least after I applied it, Little Marc only scratched it once and I rinsed them later in the afternoon. By night I can see no more signs of redness.
Next day......
Wow the swelling is gone. Only a bit of bruising and scratch marks are visible. By Monday both feet recovered to nornal. This is great, I use food to heal my baby's feet!
What do you think? This is actually my breakfast. The ingredients are great.....I've added quick oats, goji berry, pumpkin seeds, walnuts, cashew nuts and raisins. Then, I add hot water to and 1 tablespoon of blackstrap molasses.
I love the nuts and oats but adding blackstrap molasses is a bad combination. There is so much talk about the goodness of blackstrap molasses but there aren't many delicious recipes that includes blackstrap molasses. They only taste great when they are made in cookies, cakes and "Gan Lao Mien" (chinese dried sauce noodle) but other than that they don't go easily well with other food.
I have been trying to increase my iron and calcium intake and blackstrap molasses is one of the best option since they are packed with iron, calcium, manganese, magnesium, copper, potassium, selenium and Vitamin B6.
It is also claimed that they are able to improve some ailments such as anemia, constipation, anxiety, ulcers, varicose veins, dematitis, rheumatism, arthritis pain, period pain and etc.
After I discovered its benefits, I am all out to try it .....can you imagine that this blackstrap molasses which is usually used as a sweetener and came from a third boil sugar cane can actually have so many nutrients? Anyway I believe we can get the best from all natural food sources and not the synthetic / man made ones.
Tags: health benefits of blackstrap molasses, breakfast, calcium, iron, healing benefits of blackstrap molasses,ailments
I never heard of a vegetarian fair before until I was told about it when I went to my parents place last Sunday (28th November, 2010) . I was excited and eager to find out what's in that fair. I mean I am pretty interested in all foods fair but never got the chance to go to any of them. So, it was a hush decision to go there at about 11am. The food there is almost sold out by the time we reached lake Titiwangsa. It is the oldest lake in KL and I have never been there for say, 20 years or so. Yeah, I once told my friend that we are all pretty excited and even make it our mission to travel to other parts of the world, to see other countries' tall building, oldest castle and lake but never bother to visit our own. How so? I don't get it. Maybe it is the mindset of the conveniency in visiting those places that we don't think much of visiting our own historical or unique places in our country. But now I think it should not be so.
Well back to the vegetarian fair. First, you have to buy cash vouchers in order for you to buy food. The fair is not too big with a few stalls surrounding the lake side. They pretty much sell the same thing, rojak, nasi lemak, pau (dumpling), ice-kacang, fruit juices, pizza and etc. I am interested in trying their pizza but too bad the stall is too crowded that I didn't even get a foot in front of that stall. Overall, it is nothing much to see but I do hope they have a much more interesting vegetarian products next year.
They are frying something yummy.....but can't really tell because it is too crowded....
A group of volunterring students street performing? ...Nice uniform !
Tags: vegetarian, vegetarian fair, Malaysia, Lake Titiwangsa